The Mizoram Urban Development & Building Bye Laws, 2020 have been drafted by the Directorate of the Urban Development & Poverty Alleviation, following the guidelines of the Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs and Town & Country Planning Organisation, New Delhi under their ‘Model Building Bye Laws, 2016’, as well as the Aizawl Municipal Corporation Building Regulations (Amendment), 2019 and the AMC (Site Development & Slope Modification) Regulation, 2017.
The new Bye Laws aim to regulate all kinds of building and construction works - before and during construction, as well as demolition and renovation works. The Bye Laws will be enforced in the 23 Urban Areas within Mizoram.
In today's meeting Pi Lalthanghliri Pautu, Asst. Director (Plan) gave a power presentation on the proposed ‘Draft Bye Laws’, which was followed by a thorough discussion. Closing the meeting
, Pu H.Lianzela, Director, UD&PA thanked all the Members for their valuable contribution towards the successful draft of the much needed bye laws regarding urban development and building.