
Aizawl, the 26thFebruary 2020 : Pu T J Lalnuntluanga, Minister of State, Environment, Forests & Climate Change today visited the reputed forestry research centre Forest Research Centre for Bambo & Rattan (FRC-BR) ah Bethlehem Vengthlang. He interacted with scientists working at the centre and visited the Laboratories and other research facilities of FRCBR. 


In the interaction, the Minister advised FRC-BR scientists to continue working to introduce high-quality bamboo and rattan seedlings in the state. He also urged for collective efforts in improving forest productivity for public benefits. He called upon the scientists to work closely with the farmers and village level institutions for the enrichment and sustainable management of valuable bamboo and rattan resources existing in Mizoram.


Pu Jitendra Kumar, Principal Secretary and PCCF who accompanied the Minister  Pu assured extending all support to FRC-BR to improve forest productivity.


The Minister released a Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) on Artificial Pollination of Orchids prepared by the centre. The DVD contains step-wise instructions for artificial pollination of rare and endangered orchids.


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