Billy Graham Evangelical Association leh Bible Society of India tangkawp ina Muanna Kutpui, Festival of Peace ni 28 February 2014 atanga ni 2 March 2014 chhunga New Delhi Talkatora Indoor Stadium a an buatsaih turah Chief Minister Pu Lal Thanhawla chu Khuallian ni turin he Kutpui buatsaihtu Chairman, Convener leh Director ten an rawn sawm a. Chief Minister hian an sawmna tihlawhtlinga tel ngei a tum a ni.

He Kutpui a thuhriltu tur atan Rev Dr. Robert Cunville, Shillong ami, Associate Evangelist of B.G.E.A. a ni anga, Gospel singer Terence Wanshong leh Dr.Vijay Benedict, tualchhung zaipawl leh Praise and Worship Team ten an puibawm ang. An ni bakah hian B.S.I. President leh Vice President te, Church of North India, Methodist Church of India leh Catholic Archdiocese of Delhi hotute an tel dawn bawk a, Churches of Delhi leh N.C.R. ten he hun hi an hmanpui bawk dawn a ni.

He Festival of Peace chhung hian kum khat chhung NWIA Diamond Jubilee lawmna kal mek chu kharna neih a ni bawk dawn a ni.