Aizawl, the 22nd April 2022: In pursuance of the Supreme Court order dated 30.06.2021 in W.P(C) No.554/ 2021 and W.P(C) No.539/ 21 which gave direction for ex-gratia assistance amounting to Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand only) to next of kin of deceased by Covid- 19 along with the Supreme Court order dated 24.03.2022 passed in the Miscellaneous Application No. 1805 of 2021 in Writ Petition (C) No.539 of 202, the state government of Mizoram ordered the guidelines which should be followed in respect of claims regarding Ex-Gratia Assistance for death due to COVID-19 to be scrupulously followed by all the District Disaster Management Authorities:

1. Outer limit to file the claim for compensation for ex-gratia assistance from the date of death due to COVID-19 is fined as follows:

a) 60 days in case of death occurred due to COVID-19 prior to 20.03.2022.

b) 90 days for future deaths.

c) If any claimant could not make an application within the prescribed time in case of extreme hardship, it will be open for the claimant to approach the Grievance Redressal Committee at the District level which shall be considered by the Grievance Redressal Committee on case to case basis.

2. Processing of claims and making actual payment of compensation from the date of receipt of claim shall continue to be 30 days.

3. Making a false claim and obtaining any relief on that basis is a punishable offence under Section 52 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.

4. Outer limit to file the claim for compensation for ex-gratia assistance from the date of death due to COVID-19 is fined as follows:

a) 60 days in case of death occurred due to COVID-19 prior to 20.03.2022.

b) 90 days for future deaths.

c) If any claimant could not make an application within the prescribed time in case of extreme hardship, it will be open for the claimant to approach the Grievance Redressal Committee at the District level which shall be considered by the Grievance Redressal Committee on case to case basis.

5. Processing of claims and making actual payment of compensation from the date of receipt of claim shall continue to be 30 days.

6. Making a false claim and obtaining any relief on that basis is a punishable offence under Section 52 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005.