
Aizawl, the 1st June 2023 : Information Minister Pu Lalruatkima today graced the inaugural function of National Seminar on Navigating G20s Presidency: Strategizing India’s Leadership, organized by the Political Science Department of Pachhunga University College. The inaugural programme was held at the Seminar Hall of the University.

Addressing the gathering, Pu Lalruatkima expressed his optimism about the National Seminar, highlighting its potential benefits for the college and the people of Mizoram as a whole. He emphasized the objectives and aims of the G20, noting that India's participation in the organization allows it to engage with major economies, shape global economic policies, and address challenges through collaborative efforts. Pu Lalruatkima emphasized the importance of strategizing India's G20 presidency, which involves aligning national priorities with the broader goals of the G20, coordinating with other member countries, and leveraging India's diplomatic influence to achieve meaningful outcomes.

The Minister also highlighted the successful hosting of the B20 summit in Aizawl earlier this year. He emphasized the significance of this event for Mizoram, as it provided a platform for exchanging ideas and engaging in informative and extensive deliberations with delegates from various parts of India and abroad. He expressed his optimism that the summit would mark the beginning of a promising opportunity for investors to consider investing in Mizoram.

Ms. Feli Visco, Deputy Head of IT and Sustainable cities, Regional Economic Services, Embassy of France India, who delivered the keynote address highlighted the relevance of the seminar. She mentioned that the seminar holds significance not only because India currently holds the presidency of the G20, but also because it marks the first time in the country's history that such a large number of powerful nations and top economies of the world are coming together in India. Ms. Visco emphasized that India's G20 Presidency aims to foster global harmony while valuing diversity and the interconnectedness of all life. As one of the fastest-growing economies globally, India sees its G20 Presidency as an opportunity to be a voice for the global south and advocate for its interests, she said.

The two-day seminar will feature a diverse range of experts, scholars, academicians, and retired civil servants who will share their experiences and knowledge on various topics. These esteemed individuals will provide insights and teachings related to the theme of the seminar, offering valuable perspectives and fostering meaningful discussions.


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