Champhai District Fire Prevention Committee held meeting yesterday under the Chairmanship of  Pu Alexander V.Chongthu Deputy Commissioner Champhai at I&PR Conference Hall, CHANEM Building. The meeting discussed at length regarding the achievements during previous Fire Prevention Week, Pre Fire Season mitigation measures and proposal to use the incentive Cash Award of Rs 50000/- received by Champhai District being adjusted as the best performing District 2019.

Chairman Pu Alexander V.Chongthu while appreciating the outstanding performance of Champhai District during the Fire Prevention Week 2019, reminded the Officials and the public to keep it up the stellar performance and widen the working relationship so that the district proves its position and retain the title. He also mentioned and praised the dedications of all members and masses of Champhai District and requested their kind cooperation in the coming days.

Pu Lalduhthlana, DFO & Member Secretary, District Fire Prevention Committee highlighted actions taken during fire prevention week 2019. According to him the Week had been a grand success witnessing    Public Consultation Meeting,    Street Public Awareness Campaign at 16 different locations at Champhai, Fire Prevention Rally at each RO Headquarters in the District. Awareness Campaign through Newspapers, Cable TV, YMA Information Centres and setting up of   Village Level Fire Prevention Committee, Fire Fighting Squad in collaboration with YMA. Also the Member Secretary told the meeting that no Jhum burning later than slated date occurred, incentive cash awards and certificates were given to top performing Villages and Newspapers.

Also the meeting agreed to fund the maintenance of District Park at Hringlangtlang by sanctioning Rs 50000/- and assigned the task to Forest Department, Sub Hqtrs. YMA and Mualkawi Branch YMA. The meeting also discussed thoroughly about various measures to be taken during Pre Fire season, among those were; giving written instruction through DLAO to each Village Council within the district to abides by Government notified rules and regulations and requesting the District Authority to issue stern order on it, Awareness Campaign on Fire outbreak and its prevention in every institutions  and Social Media Campaign of Short Video Clip in tandem with the theme selected by State Level Meeting for the next Fire Prevention Week.

As per reports from Satellite Mapping Data and  Forest Department Spot Verification, Champhai District   in 2019 till the reporting period suffered  111 occasions of Fire Outbreaks due to which  2883.35 Ha of  Forest covered areas had been burned down. Maximum  Fire incidences were due to Jhum Burning, 99 times (2803.55 Ha), Jhum Periphery 6 times (8.70 Ha),  Unreserved Forest area 7 times ( 21.10 Ha) and Forest department reserved areas 2 times (50 Ha).


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