On the occasion of Press Council of India ‘National Press Day 2011’, members of the Mizoram Journalists’ Association (MJA) Headquarters and Mizoram Information Service Officals held a meeting at I&PR Auditorium today and had a wide ranging discussion on the theme ‘Media as an instrument of Public Accountability’ and other relevant issues.

Prseiding over the meeting, the state I&PR Director Jim K. Chozah pointed out that this year marked the 14th National Press Day, which has been observed since 1997, and Mizoram was happy to observe the Day along with the rest of the country. Stressing on the selected theme ‘Media as an instrument of Public Accountability’, he urged the local mediapersons to judge for themselves whether they have fulfilled their role in acting as vanguards of the public.

Speaking on the occasion, MJA President H. Zosangliana said that in today’s world, the importance of media is very evident, however it was as important to remember their duty and responsibility as channels of information.

In today’s meeting, various members participated and also spoke their views and concerns on national integration, communal harmony, media ethics & self-regulation and media welfare.


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