An Observance of Right to Information (RTI) Week- 2019 programme was held at DC Conference Hall here at Siaha, Today.

Smt.B. Malsawmtluangi, SDO(S) presided over the programme and Shri.  Bhupesh Chaudhary IAS, Deputy Commissioner  graced today's programme as the Chief Guest.

Speaking at the occasion, Chief Guest said that RTI Act empowered citizens to guide  Government towards transparency and good governance, it  also gave the citizens a sense of inclusiveness and participation in the decision making of the government by keeping them aware of  what was going on in government.He also urged SPIOs and SAPIOs to be more pro-active towards dessimination of information to the public and helpful to the information seekers as well.He also encouraged the students to be well acquainted with RTI act and dare to become  RTI activists during their students days itself.

Shri.N.Vabeiratlua,DIPRO and Smt.B.Malsawntluangi,SDO(S) acted as Resource persons and both of them delivered lectures on the topic of RTI, Act-2005 and Mizoram RTI rules.

There was also an Interaction session wherein all the doubts and queries raised by audiances were  clarified and answered by Two resource persons.

Today's RTI week -2019 programme was well  attended by SPIOs,SAPIOs,Head of Offices, Leaders of NGOs, Joint VC,College students, High School students,DIET Trainees and Prominent citizens.

Shri.N. Vabeiratlua, DIPRO  concluded the programme with vote of thanks.


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