

Whereas, due effort to take effective measures to enhance mitigation with the aftermath of Cyclone Remal and its devastating effects in Aizawl District are being undertaken;

And whereas, in pursuance of the report received at Mizoram StateEmergency Operation Center (MzSEOC), with Aizawl District being the worst hit district and upon receiving technical field reports from Directorate of Geology and Mining, Govt. of Mizoram;

And whereas, stability of the soil at various landscapes around the recent epicentre of tragedy at Hlimen Village are found to be geologically unstable and overburdened which may be vulnerableto disaster in case of heavy rainfall;

And whereas, under directions ofthe aforesaid situation, and in exercise ofthe power conferred under Section 30 (2)(iii) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the undersigned, in her capacity as Deputy Commissioner& Chairman, District Disaster Management Authority, Aizawl District, hereby issues the following instructions for strict implementation and compliance of all concerned:

“All residents at the aforesaid areas are directed to evacuate the vulnerable areas and move to safer locations immediately.”

Order under DM ACT, 2005, Hlimen English version.pdf