Vawiin chawhma dar 11 khan Pu Kunal IAS, Deputy Commissioner Saiha District Office Chamber-ah Saiha District NLUP Survey meeting neih a ni.

Meeting-ah hian Pu Kunal IAS, Chairman, Saiha District NLUP Implementing Committee chuan Eligible Families Re-survey neihna a hriat tur pawimawh leh tul te Line Department-a Head of Office kalkhawmte chu khunkhan taka sawipuiin Survey Report te hi September 15 aia tlai lovah thehluh hman tum vek turin kalkhawmte chu a chah a.

Pu H. Lalhmingthanga MSC, Election Officer, Saiha District NLUP Implementing Committee a Secretary nibawk chuan Line Department hrang hrang atanga Head of Office kalkhawmte chu Village Level Household Occupation Information Schedule form ziah khah dan turte zirtirna leh in hrilhhriatna hun a hmang bawk a ni.


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