Deputy Commissioner, Siaha District, Pu Bhupesh Chaudhary IAS, conducted a surprised visit to some of the Offices, here at Siaha, today.

Pu Bhupesh said that he conducted a surprised visits not to find faults, but to know better the set-up  and working-nature of  each and every office under his jurisdiction, to listen to them and aware of their problems, and most of all;to remind them of the staff that dereliction of duties will be viewed seriously and DC  will keep vigil over them all the time.

Some of the offices visited, today were Industrial Training Institute, Excise &Narcotics Office, Mizofed, Printing & Stationery Depot, FCS&Consumer Affairs' Godown.

Surprised visits  will be conducted randomly to all the offices and institutions under GoM , at Siaha District.

In his surprised visits,DC was accompanied by Pu Amol Srivastava IAS, Asst.Commissioner, Pu H.Zonunmawia, Election Officer and Pu N.Vabeiratlua,DIPRO.


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