
Aizawl the 29th March, 2022 : Social Welfare Minister Dr K Beichhua yesterday inaugurated Lunglei District’s first One Stop Centre (OSC) at Serkawn locality in Lunglei town. The OSC is established in partnership with Baptist Church of Mizoram (BCM) Medical Department, with the land given on lease to the Government by BCM.

Lunglei HPC Vice Chairman Pu Lawmawma Tochhawng, MYC Chairman Dr Vanlaltanpuia, Lunglei DC Pu Kulothungan A, District officials were present at the inauguration.

Inaugurating the OSC, Social Welfare Minister Dr K Beichhua expressed hope that the Centre would provide a safe haven for women affected by violence and abuse. He thanked BCM Medical Department and SWD officials for successful implementation of the project, and urged all stakeholders to continue working in earnest for the welfare of women, children and other vulnerable members of society.

One Stop Centres (OSCs) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honour related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC will be provided with specialized services.

The Centre at Lunglei is equipped to facilitate immediate, emergency and non-emergency access to a range of services including medical, legal, psychological and counselling support.


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