Agriculture Minister Mr.H.Liansailova inaugurated the State Credit Seminar 2010-11 today at State Guest House. The Seminar was organised by National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development(NABARD), Mizoram Regional Office.

In his address Liansailova emphasized the need for government departments, banks, financial institution as well as different societies and NGOs to work together in close co-operation for socio-economic development of the state. For successful implementation of the state Government’s flagship programme, the New Land Use Policy, Liansailova urged banks and various financial institutions in Mizoram to extend their support and stressed the need for strengthening marketing support and improvement of banking habits among the people of Mizoram. He also mentioned the state government’s intention to follow priority areas identified in the NER Vision 2020 for development of the north east region and take up horticulture, sericulture, medicinal plants, fisheries and other activies in which the efforts of line departments, banks and farmers need to be synergised for effective implementation. In all these developmental efforts, he stressed the need for active involvement of banks, government departments and NGOs to work in close coordination for adequate and timely flow of credit in rural areas. Micro finance and financial inclusion should be implemented with all dedication to improve the outreach and banking facilities made available in rural areas, he said and emphasized the need to provide farmers training for various Farmers Club and technology transfer in the rural areas.

Mr.P.C.Sahoo, General Manager, NABARD informed participants that the state Focus Paper 2010-11 has made a projection for institutional credit support of Rs.306.68 crores for Mizoram with an increase of about 30% from the previous year. He indicated that the projection for Agriculture and allied activities  is Rs.65.26 crores, and Rs.46.49 crores for Non-farm sector whereas Rs.194.93 is earmarked for Other Priority sector.

During the seminar Mr.Diganta Kumar Das made a detailed presentation of the State Focus paper in the core activities relating to crop loan, water resources, plantation, horticulture, Dairy and Poultry development, Non-farm sector and Other Priority sector including micro finance and financial inclusion etc. Representatives of Banks and various financial institutions in Mizoram, officials from different line departments and a number of members representing various socities and NGOs participated in the deliberation.


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