
235 persons still remain quarantined  in Mamit District. Today 172 persons newly quarantined and 83 persons discharged.


QUARANTINE CASES (to be updated daily)
Sl. NoName of the FacilitiesAddressNo. of person Quarantined as on last report No. of person newly quarantinedNo of dischargedTotal no of quarantined person at present 

ABCD = (A+B) - C
1SSA Boys, HostelMamit160160
2Polytechnic BuildingMamit200200
3Tourist LodgeMamit3602313
4Convention CentreReiek0000
5Govt. Middle SchoolKanghmun0000
6BDO Rest HouseZawlnuam7070
7Govt. College HostelZawlnuam0000
8Govt. Girls HostelKawrthah9009
9Girls HostelKawrtethawveng0000
10Govt. High SchoolW.Phaileng170170
11Govt. Primary SchoolMarpara0000

12BCM Nazareth Hall,
13Presbyterian Kohhran Hall, Field VengMamit200020
14BCM  Hall, High School VengMamit0000
15Presbyterian Kohhran Hall, VenghlunMamit028028
16Presbyterian Kohhran Hall, DintharMamit022022
17Presbyterian Kohhran Hall, HmunsamMamit210021
18Presbyterian Kohhran Hall, Bazar VengMamit0000
St. Francis of Assisi SchoolMamit067067
20Govt Mamit CollegeMamit0
21Tourist LodgeReiek0606
22Covid Care Centre, SSA
 Girls Hostel
23Polytechnic Building - IMamit047047