Under the aegis of HQ 23 Sect AR, 10 Assam Rifles observed “WORLD AIDS DAY” on 01 Dec 2009 and organized an AIDS awareness programme. It was attended by Officers, JCOs, OR and families of the Assam Rifles. The opening address was delivered by 2 IC R C Kothari, Offg CO 10 Assam Rifles which was followed by lectures by Dy Comdt Mary Hranngul, SMO and Mr. Lallianzuala, Consultant UNICEF.

The lectures covered various aspects of the disease like mode of transmission, prevention, timely detection, symptoms and ART (Antiretroviral treatment).  A short movie on AIDS (SAAVDHAN) was screen and questionnaire on HIV/AIDS was distributed to all troops to assess the level of awareness about HIV/AIDS. All attendants were educated and motivated for voluntary screening for HIV/AIDS to reduce its prevalence and also to mitigate stigma and discrimination and taking the pledge to stand together to fight against this killer disease.


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