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A Cabinet Meeting, chaired by Chief Minister Pu Lal Thanhawla, at Chief Minister's Office Cabinet Room yesterday decided to hike the price of petrol and diesel by Rs. 0.50 paisa per litre, and aSMOKE FREE MIZORAM COMMITTEE MET TODAY
Smoke Free Mizoram Committee under its Chairman, Health Minister Pu Lalrinliana Sailo met today at his office chamber to work out various strategies to make Mizoram a smoke free state.DELHI MLAS ON STUDY TOUR VISIT MIZORAM
The Committee of Estimates and the ST/SC/OBC & Minority Committee of the Delhi Legislative Assembly had a meeting with their counterparts of the Estimates Committee of the Mizoram LegiGOVERNOR RELEASES BOOK ON INDUSTRIALISATION IN MIZORAM
Lt. Gen. (Rtd) M.M.Lakhera PVSM, AVSM, VSM released a book titled "Industrialisation in Mizoram - Problems and Prospects" written by Dr. Baharul Islam Laskar, at I&PR Conference Hall today.
A meeting of senior officers relating to government court cases was held today under the aegis of the Mizoram Law Commission at the Secretariat Conference Hall, Aizawl . Mizoram Law Commission Chairman R. Lalrinawma presided over the meeting, in which CPU ZODINTLUANGA GRACES AWARENESS MEET ON SJSRY
UD&PA Minister Zodintluanga as Chief Guest graced 'Awareness Meet on Empowerment of BPL Trainees under SJSRY through Development of Micro Enterprises' function held, under the aegis of UD&PA and Mizoram Entrepreneurship Network (MEN) at ChanSENSITIZATION WORKSHOP ON POVERTY REDUCTION AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT
Mizoram Legislators today attended one day workshop on poverty reduction and Disaster Management organised by the state DP&AR(Training Wing) and Administrative Training Institute.
Horticulture Minister Pu Liansailova today inaugurated a national level workhop on 'Sustainable Development through Medicinal Plants Cultivation in Mizoram' organised jointly by Department of Horticulture, Mizoram State Medicinal Board and DepartmenMINISTERS VISIT SUCCESSFUL PIGGERY FARM
Mr. S . Hiato, Minister, PHE Department and Mr. N.K. Chakma, Minister of State, Disaster Management and Rehabilitation and A.H. & Vety. Departments visited the piggery farm of Mr. S. ThangNATIONAL PRESS TO VISIT MIZORAM
Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India intends to send a 10-member National Press team to study various on-going projects under centrally sponsored schemes such as PMGSY, NREGS, IAY, etc. in Mizoram.SUPREME COURT JUDGE IN AIZAWL
Supreme Court Judge, Hon'ble Justice Mr Altamas Kabir will arrive in Aizawl for a two day visit. The Chief Secretary and few government officials held a meeting today to discuss the matter at the Secretariat Conference Hall.MIZORAM POLICE GAVE EFFORTS
On 13.11.2009 at about 10:00 A.M, one Zarzokima (18) s/o Lalngilneia of Bungthuam was shot dead by unidentified persons at a distance of about 1 km north of Bungthuam Village. The unidentified persons left a note claiming that the Bru Revolutionary UnioNATIONAL PRESS DAY AT AIZAWL
Along with the rest if the country, National Press Day was observed here in Aizawl at a function held at I&PR auditorium by members of the Mizoram Journalists Association.DIRECTOR GENERAL ASSAM RIFLES IN MIZORAM
Lt. Gen. K. S. Yadava, PVSM, AVSM, SM, VSM, Director General Assam Rifles is in Aizawl as part of a three day visit to Mizoram. He will be interacting with His