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On his return from his fruitful visit to the national captital, Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla met the media persons at his office chamber, yesterday. The Chief Minister reported about his trip toASSAM RIFLES GIFTED 2 COMPUTER SETS TO NEW VAIKHAWTLANG GOVT. MIDDLE SCHOOL
The 10th Battalion of Assam Rifles, under the aegis of Headquarters 23 Sector Assam Rifles gifted 2 computers sets to New Vaikhawtlang Gov't Middle School, under AR MCA(Military Civil Action) programme. Mr Evssumliana, Headmaster of theCENSUS 2011 BEGINS IN MIZORAM
Mr.Lal Thanhawla, Chief Minister, Mizoram and his wife Mrs.Lal Riliani were the first and second to be registered the data sheets of Census 2011 that commence this morning.Mizoram along wiCHIEF MINISTER PU LAL THANHAWLA FELICITATES NATIONAL BRAVERY AWARD WINNERS
Chief Minister Mr. Lal Thanhawla today felicitated Lalrammawia (14 years) s/o Khualkamlova and Zonunsanga(14 years) s/o Vanlalrenga winners of the National Bravery Award 2010 at a function in hiCENSUS OFFICIALS MEET THE PRESS
Mr.S.K.Chakraborty, Dy.Director General and Mr.Dheeraj Jain, Dy.Director, Office of Census Commissioner Of India met the media persons at Information & Public Relations Conference Hall today. The media persons were briefed on the Census Of IndiaPARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY MR. LAL THANZARA INAUGURATES K.K DAIRY.
Parliamentary Secretary Lal Thanzara inaugurated K.K Dairy situated near Bawngkawn Bazar, yesterday afternoon at 2:15pm.This K.K Dairy is established and named after K.Kawla, one of the famous footballers amongst Mizos, by hi10TH ASSAM RIFLES GAVE AWAY COMPUTERS
In continuation of the on-going 'Assam Rifles Millitary Civil Action' drive, the 10th Assam Rifles under 23 Sector Assam Rifles, on 28th April donated two sets of computer to the Govt. High School at Kawlbem Village in the remotest part of Mizoram.SEMINAR ON REGULATION OF NBFCs & UIBs
A one-day Seminar of Government and Police Officials in the Regulation of Unauthorised Elements of Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFCs) and Unincorporated Bodies (UIBs) in Mizoram was heldMIZORAM OBSERVES 7TH WORLD BLOOD DONORS' DAY
Mizoram Aids Control Society(MSACS) and Association for Voluntary Blood Donation,Aizawl(AVBD) had organised a blood donation camp cum awareness campaign programme at Chanmary YMA Hall, Aizawl toGOVERNOR PRESIDES OVER AWARDS FUNCTION
The Governor Lt. Gen.(Rtd.) M M Lakhera, PVSM, AVSM,VSM, presided over the Awards Distribution Ceremony of the 'Hindi Diamond Jubilee National Award' at the Durbar Hall of the Raj Bhawan, AizawlZODINTLUANGA GRACES C.M. RUNNING TROPHY CLOSING FUNCTION AT SERCHHIP
Sports Minister Zodintluanga attended Mizoram Open Badminton Championship 2010 (Chief Minister's Running Trophy) closing function held at Serchhip Town Hall on last Saturday (12th June) as a ChiNABARD - STATE LEVEL PRE-PLP MEET
NABARD, Mizoram Regional Office, Aizawl conducted the "State Level Pre-PLP Meet for the year 2011-12 at NABARD Conference Hall, Bawngkawn today.Dated: 22nd Jul 10 4:39 PM Read More
Rs.6755 crore has been allocated to various States and Union Territories to increase production and productivity under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana(RKVY) including two Special Components namely Special Initiative for Pulses and Oilseeds in Dry land AINTER-MINISTERIAL CENTRAL TEAM VISITS MIZORAM VILLAGES AFFECTED BY CYCLONIC STORMS
The Inter-Ministerial Central Team led by Shri Lokesh Jha, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs visited the Mizo villages affected by the cyclonic storms / hailstorms during March to April